This page provides information for businesses and service providers who wish to reach Esprit attendees and resources for people promoting Esprit.

We have over 100 attendees, instructors, and resource providers during the week of Esprit. Nearly all are looking for clothing, makeup, and accessories, but many are also looking for souvenirs and simple sightseeing/tourist activities. Restaurants and various services are also sought by attendees as well.

We encourage you to be creative with your message. Things like “come in for free sample” or “show Esprit badge and get 10% off entire meal” are usually effective at attracting interest.

Specific programs that we currently offer include:

  • Any Facebook member is welcome to make announcements on the Facebook “Esprit Conference” page.
  • Registration packets are given to every attendee. Contact the Handout Coordinator for limitations, details, quantities, and deadlines.
  • The Esprit Registration Desk at the hotel (in the 2nd foyer) has a literature table where businesses may place flyers, coupons, business cards, samples, etc. This area can become quite crowded and we can’t guarantee optimal placement or maintenance of your materials.

We are also seeking people and services for our educational program, resource provider program, and entertainment: 

  • If you are knowledgeable on a topic that would be of interest to our attendees and would like to speak as a presenter, contact the presentation Schedule Coordinator with a proposal. Topics of interest include but aren’t limited to presentation skills (feminine movement/dance coaching, clothing, makeup, voice, hair), scientific/religious/cultural perspectives, legal and discrimination topics, defining and improving your self image/confidence/personal relationships, caring for your health/skin/hair, medical topics, etc.
  • Many businesses ask about providing services on-site at the Red Lion during the conference. Unfortunately, space is very limited and we need to ensure that prominent service providers known to the transgender community (some of whom travel from across the country) are adequately compensated for their time and effort. However, there are local services such as nail services which we have started bringing on site to fill specific needs. We continue to experiment with and continuously re-evaluate on-site services and businesses are encouraged to contact the Resource Coordinator with questions or proposals. In the past, on-site resources have included makeup/clothing/accessories/body shaping vendors, educational book/video sellers, voice/presentation coaching, photographers, artificial nails, etc.
  • If you have an entertainment or shopping event you would like to propose, contact the Outreach/Shopping Coordinator. We feature major events where most attendees would want to attend together as well as smaller events on some days to give attendees a variety of choices.
  • For other inquiries, please review the Contact Us page to direct your inquiry.