Traditionally, Esprit provides several lunches and dinners in conjunction with activities and parties. You should check the weekly schedule for specific details on exactly how many meals are provided and the accompanying activities. You are responsible for your own meals the remainder of the time.

Lunches are held in the hotel and are fairly casual. The Friday and Saturday dinners are dressy sit-down affairs usually held in the Red Lion banquet room or the nearby Elks Lodge. The Saturday dinner and party is always the dressiest and is a great opportunity to pull out all the stops. The Elks Lodge is only 2 blocks away, but at times it can be windy in the evening, so be aware of the weather. During poor weather or if the venue is a bit farther, carpools are generally not a problem since most people drive to Esprit. Watch out for the circuitous routes that may be required due to 1-way streets.

48° North is the hotel’s restaurant. Fare consists of the usual American diner-style breakfast, lunch, and dinner items. Room service is available as well.

The hotel lounge is open every night and is a hotbed of activity, especially in the evening when it is usually packed with Esprit guests and locals who come to mingle. This is a wonderful place to share an interesting conversation with local residents who are eager to learn something new, enjoy a nice margarita or finger food, or just spend some time taking a break from one of the dances that may be going on in the upstairs ballroom.

There are numerous restaurants nearby within walking and driving distance and you will find them advertising in the Registration area, on the website, or listed in the shopping guide in your registration packet.

A Safeway grocery store is a few blocks up the hill if you want to stock up on your own groceries and beverages. This is a great way to reduce your costs.