Esprit is a complicated effort with numerous activities and tasks that require behind the scenes support. Your planning committee spends an entire year reserving facilities, scheduling presenters and resources, negotiating contracts, and arranging activities with local businesses in Port Angeles.

But we still need more help once Esprit starts. Please consider spending a little time to help out. It can be as unintrusive as stepping up to help support an activity you were already planning on participating in, or can be extremely rewarding with an more involved role such as greeting nervous first-timers who approach the registration desk to check in. It doesn’t take any training (most tasks just involve a few minutes of briefing to get you up to speed) and you can choose tasks that involve working only before Esprit starts to keep your time free during the conference, or being in the middle of the action during Esprit, or even literally being backstage making the magic happen during events like the Talent Show or Fashion Show.

What we can promise is that whatever time you put into volunteering will be amply rewarded with great memories, new friends, and the satisfaction of supporting the wonderful experience we all know as Esprit.

Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator if you have any questions.

Typical volunteer opportunities include:

  • Front desk volunteer: greet people, help answer questions, keep posted information neatly organized, etc.
  • Event staff: serve food and drinks, hand out event novelties, guide the movement of graduates during graduation, etc.
  • Event planners: create, organize, and run existing and new events.
  • Trip coordinators: coordinate carpool signup lists, give directions, etc.
  • Marketing and website support: cultivate local business connections, collect and prepare advertising information for the website, etc