Esprit attendees can purchase a wonderful yearbook to be delivered near the end of the year. There’s always a lot of impatient waiting, but that’s partly due to it being a massive volunteer effort to assemble as well as being composed of articles, thoughts, funny stories, and pictures from you!

The individual portraits are an important part of the yearbook and you should make sure that you schedule time as early as possible during the week to get your picture taken. Taking your picture sooner rather than later has several advantages: if you don’t like how you look you can try again the next day, you’re less likely to run into unresolvable conflicts between your activities and the photographer’s schedule during the hectic closing days of Esprit, and you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that your picture is done and there’s nothing to worry about. The photographer wants to enjoy Esprit as well and is not able to keep her doors open all day long during the last days of Esprit.

When Esprit draws to a close, think about something to write for the yearbook while your thoughts are still fresh. The sooner the articles and photos are sent to the editor, the sooner the yearbook can be assembled and mailed to everyone.